E-commerce Web Design – Our Preference, WooCommerce


Jacobito Design loves to help our clients reach their full internet marketing potential. And if this includes having a shopping cart that sells to an ideal market, we’re that much more enthusiastic. In this post, we’ll share our preference and explain why our Santa Fe internet marketing company prefers this platform over other nonflexible platforms.

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Cost-Effectiveness Santa Fe Internet Marketing Company

cost-effective internet marketing

Over the years we’ve worked with a lot of different customers, ranging from sole proprietorships to large tiered companies. During that time we’ve honed our mission, and altered our internet marketing principles to help our customers not only save money, but also make money. We believe this has sustained Jacobito for the past 10 years of business, and are convinced this principle will help our customers have more confidence in Jacobito for years to come. Continue reading “Cost-Effectiveness Santa Fe Internet Marketing Company”

Working the Fold in Responsive Web Design

santa fe double take website project

As we’ve mentioned in our previous article ‘User Experience & Encouraging Return Visitation…‘, we talked about how important it is to grab visitor’s attention and encourage them to explore your website. So with that thought, the top part of the landing page of your website is probably the most important real estate on a website. It is the area where your visitors will form their first impression. This is important no matter the device viewing your website. In this article, we’ll explore working with the fold, with regards to responsive web design. Continue reading “Working the Fold in Responsive Web Design”